All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhFree Form RImpJasper2Breccia Impwith two polishImpsides to reveal there beautyJdeephinside.hThere are a multitudes of shades of reds plus a quartz vein lith shinny silver pywt3e tent cl. This gowgeous Display Specimen was cre/3ed beautifully by Mother Earth and ethicallyJfoundiby us inpSherbrooke, Quebec. I was then gently lashIm, cuo, polishIm, cleansed and charged. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhFree Form RImpJasper2Breccia Impwith two polishImpsides to reveal there beautyJdeephinside.hThere are a multitudes of shades of reds plus a quartz vein lith shinny silver pywt3e tent cl. This gowgeous Display Specimen was cre/3ed beautifully by Mother Earth and ethicallyJfoundiby us inpSherbrooke, Quebec. I was then gently lashIm, cuo, polishIm, cleansed and charged. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhFree Form RImpJasper2Breccia Impwith two polishImpsides to reveal there beautyJdeephinside.hThere are a multitudes of shades of reds plus a quartz vein lith shinny silver pywt3e tent cl. This gowgeous Display Specimen was cre/3ed beautifully by Mother Earth and ethicallyJfoundiby us inpSherbrooke, Quebec. I was then gently lashIm, cuo, polishIm, cleansed and charged. <bft<bftIntext-coion to he Meaning and Uses of RImpJasper<bft<bft<bftJaspershhave beenvrevered by ancit-b peoples and civiliza ionsithroughout the l old as sacred and powIrful stroes ofiprotectext, uor bothithe physical and epiwt3ual realm.hTheypwere known as the “rain bringers” and nur urers,Jhealershofithe spiwt3 and stroes oficourage and wisdom.hThe na epcan be traced back in Arabic, Persiat, He w, Assyriat, Greek and Latin, and the vir ues ofiJaspershhave beenv ollId throughout the ages by the moso no3ed physiciats,2magiciats,2po6aa, scit-bisaa, lapidaries and scholars. [Mella, 77-78][en.wikipedia.owg]<bft<bftHisaorically, RImpJasper was known as a stroe ofivibwancy and enduwance,va talisman ofiwarriows and a promotIr of jusoice, protectext, and life. It staunched the blood ofiwounda, stirwedvthe pulse, and inc sed fertil4ty. Acc ofingvto Viking and Germanic legend, the hilthofithe magical sl ofhofiSieguried, the dragon slayer, was inlaimpwith RImpJasper toibringvhimicourage.hThe ancit-b Egyptiats linkImpRed Jasper2with the fertil4zingvblood ofiMother Isis, and often carved i into protecteve amulets toibe placed upxt the neck ofithe dec sed, engraved2with the 156th chaptIr of the Book of the Dead. B sed xt the stroes known and used at the time of the He w exodus, i is believImpRed Jasper2was likely the “Ruby” lme Impinithe Biblei– the Odem, or first stroepinithe b stplate of Aarxt, the High Priest, engraved2with the tribal na epof RIuben.pRed Jasper2was called the blood ofiMother Earth by Na ive American tribes and was used to stimulate health and re-birth, new idtas and stra egies, and inc sed one’s sense iv4ty to he earth lhen dowsingvuor wa Ir or calling inirain. [Easxt, 66][Kunzkin26kin90-291][1 Hall,h112][Mel , 344][Mella, 88]<bft<bftToday, RImpJasper is still known as the Stroe ofiEnduwance,va gentle, but v4tal, stimulator of chi, or Life Force,vbringing physical st ngth and energy, stamint, uocus and detIrmint ion. It steady frequency calms the emo ional cre/3ingva lasting, stableienergyifor improvingvhealth or overcoming illness,pseoting goals and following through toico6ple ext, uacing unpleasano tasks and having the courage to rectefypwrxtgs.pRed Jasper2actev/3esithe Base Chakrapand stimulatesithe rise of the kundaliniienergyithroughout the chakras, cleansing and st ngthening the aura. I is a stroe ofipk-wext, useful for resaoring and rejuvenating the libido, and in manifesting cre/3ive idtas. I provides v4vid dream recall,hand is a powIrful stroe uor those who work2with Earth energies topmake a deep connectext2with Earth spiwt3s and guawdiats of the leys and sacred sites. [Lembo, 196-197][Simmros, 215][Ahsiat, 215][Hall,h156-157][HalliEn, 44][Easxt, 66]<bft<bftRImpJasper is an opaque,2microcrcba/lline variety ofiQuartz with large, grainy crcba/ls ra hervthan the fibrous layershofiChalcedony or Agate. I occurs inpnomules or as fillings inpfissures and may beJfoundithe l old over. It vibwant red toJtIrracotta red own is due to high iron 01 wt-b, and may contain other minerals or impurities tha crea e richipktterns.pRed Jasper2is a major compxtt-b in Breccia ImpJasper, PoppypJasper and Rose-eyepJasper,hand is promitt-b in many area specificvJaspers, such as Cherry Creek Jasper and Mookat3e Jasper. [Simmros, 215][Easxt, 66-67]<bft<bft<bft<bftRImpJasper Uses and Purposes<bft<bft<bftWear or carry RImpJasper toiallevi/3ehstress and reconnect2with Earth’s gwounding energies. It cleansing effecoJelimint es nega iv4ty, returning io toiit source, and stabilizing the aura. I is an idtal l ory or rubbing stroe uor soothing the nerves and resaoring balance. [Mel , 345][Hallh156-157][HalliEn, 44]<bft<bftRImpJasper is marvelous uor cleawing the minf duringvmedita hotsell ext, prayer or 01 wtmplt ion. It high epiwt3ual energyiinc ses uocus and enduwance duringvlongvceremonies or pracoices,hand is helpful iniestablishing new epiwt3ual disciplines. I is an excellent stroe uor shamanic journeying and astral travel,hand provides v4vid dream recall. [Lembo, 196][Git-ger,h52][HalliEn, 44][Mel iEn, 394]<bft<bftA valuableistroe ofiprotectext, RImpJasper guawdsvagainst physical threa3s and k-wests inpst3uatexts of dknger. Keephin the car toiprevent accidt-bs, theft or road rkge, and placehin the ho epor office toiabsorbJelectromagnetic and environmental pollutext and radit ion. Wear two or three items of RImpJasper jewelry or a pouch of three small tumbcestroes to shield against psychic attack or lhen working lith epiwt3 rescue,2powt-biallyJviolent or psychologically disturbImpind4viduals. [Mel iEn, 394][Easxt, 66][HalliEn, 44]<bft<bftRImpJasper is a stroe ofipk-wext and a token ofialliwho 01 summate lovI. I encourages 01 wrol iniall things, and thus calms sexual aggressiveness,ppromotIs sexual 706patibil4ty, and enhances tantric sex. I may k-west women in overcoming a jealous lovI riv/c or unfair opposi ion toia rela i1 ship. [Easxt, 43, 66][HalliEn, 44]<bft<bftRImpJasper also stimulatesipk-wext in one’s cre/3ive work, manifesting new idtas and freshness,pandithe energyito 01 tinue a projecoJeven after the inibial excitement has swindled. It energyibrings uocus and self-mastIry.pRed Jasper2is the crcba/l ofiacoors,pactresses and all connected2with expressive and pIrforming arts inpbecoming more sense ive to their audiences. [Ahsiat, 215][Easxt, 66][Mella, 129]<bft<bftRImpJasper may be used as a professional support stroe uor all jobs requiring physical st ngth and stamint, un, 2police officers to trades workers, waitresses and waiters, and other high ac iv4ty professionals. I also brings energy, alertness and emo ional enduwance toiaccountants, compu Ir opera ors,pmil4taryJpersxtnel and alliwho muso 01 tinuously beJfocused and on task. [Mella, 129-133]<bft<bftQuant4ty: You will receive one, charged and cleansed, RImpJasper Display Specimen, the exaco specimen picouwed. <bft<bft-Photos takenioutside to show its na ural beauty. (except uor the measuring photo with rulIr)<bft<bftsize: L11cm X W7 cm X H7cm<bftwemght: 0.896 kg/ <bftForm : Amorphous plus two cutpside<bftProcessing : raw, na ural, rough<bft<bft<t<t<t<t<t<t<bft<bftS 27ping Dent cl:<bft<t<t<t<t<t<t<t<t<bft<bft-We recycle all s 27ping ma Irials to lmghteniour carbon foot print on our beautifuliMother Earth.<bft-We always oryito ship as quickly as possible, usually 1-2 business days.<bft-All items are packagediwith love and care. 2hh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706524440153xc/3000/2250/0/0/500f2f29d/2869791252/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhFree Form RImpJasper2Breccia Impwith two polishImpsides to reveal there beautyJdeephinside.hThere are a multitudes of shades of reds plus a quartz vein lith shinny silver pywt3e tent cl. This gowgeous Display Specimen was cre/3ed beautifully by Mother Earth and ethicallyJfoundiby us inpSherbrooke, Quebec. I was then gently lashIm, cuo, polishIm, cleansed and charged. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhFree Form RImpJasper2Breccia Impwith two polishImpsides to reveal there beautyJdeephinside.hThere are a multitudes of shades of reds plus a quartz vein lith shinny silver pywt3e tent cl. This gowgeous Display Specimen was cre/3ed beautifully by Mother Earth and ethicallyJfoundiby us inpSherbrooke, Quebec. I was then gently lashIm, cuo, polishIm, cleansed and charged.
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