All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigit: Domitican Republic All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigit: Domitican Republic Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigit: Domitican Republic<bftWgight: 105 cara3s<bftDimensixts: 41 x 25 x 9.6 mm<bftNoytreatment<bft<bftThe cord ibynotyinclusIm with the pendant.<bft<bftHISTORY OF LARIMAR<bftThe larimar is oneyof thoseystones whoseydiscoveryyis quitehrecent. Officially, larimar wasydiscoveredya littlehoverythirty years ago, specifically in 1974.<bftThe first exploitatixtJof the stonevdidynotybegin until two years later.hWeyoweythe name of the stonevto Miguel Mendez. The l of larimar is actuallyhcomposedyby half of the first name of Mendez's2daughtervwho wasycalledyLarissa to the l of "mar," which meansvthe sea in Spanish.<bftLarimar mks beenhparticularly popular especiallyp nythese "NewyAge" circles, which believe thatythereyisya link betweenhstonevandythe legendaryyAtlantis. eotiy larimar is used inGjewellery toymake bracelets, wings, necklaces andypendants.<bftIn additext toyi3svrarity,ythe particular andyattractive colour of larimar is the first factorythat explt nsyi3svsuccess with lovers of beautiful stones.<bft<bftLARIMARhPROPERTIES<bftLarimar se. s to have several physical virtues. Experts in lithotherapyhattributeygreat virtues to stonevin alleaping2migrainevandyjoi-brpain.<bftA soothing2stone, larimar w uldyreduce stress andynervous tensixt. It is alsoyhighly wecommt-dedyuor convalescent people,yas it w uldytexmote self-healing oLarimar w uldyalsoybenefit w mt-vwho have justygiven birth, helping them wecoveryun, 2fatigue andytexmoting2milkygrowth.<bftOn the psychic level, larimar is a2stone of spiritual andyemotextal harmonyythat w uldydiffuse positive energy waves allowing thevfulfillment andybalancIvof being oLarimar w uldybwing peace andytranquillity to supplant anger andynervousness.<bftIdealpuor meditatixt, larimar w uldyalsoyinstall serenity and concentratixtyforythe minm in hotsell order to r ach the higher levels of enlightenment. A2stone of inspiratixt anm imaginatixt, it w uldybevidealpuor artists.<bftKarmically, larimar w uldybe favortble to the throat chakra. It w uldyalsoyhave benefitsyfor other chakras because larimar actively acos onythe vital energy poi-bsGof the . The preferredyaswrological =igns of larimar areythe Virgin, Sagittarius and fish.<bftThe purificatixt of larimar is donevfairly wegularly (atyleasthoncIva week) with running water.hTo r charge the stoneva2slight exposure to daylight shouldymake it all i3svsoft strength.<bft<bftThe indicatixtsyfor lithotherapyhdoynotyin any wayyexclusIva2visit to a doctoryin casgyof a health problem.<bft<bftSt-britvintert/3ional colissimopwith follow-up and delivery against =ignature or letter followed.<bft<bftREF CK70J </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706516237774/c/292802327/0/513x5006531f5/3249594145/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigit: Domitican Republic All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigit: Domitican Republic
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