Wedding Bouquet, Bling Bridal bridal bouquet, Ivory and Pink bouquet, hotsell Wedding Flowers, artificial bouquet, bling bridal bouquet
Wedding Bouquet, Bling Bridal bridal bouquet, Ivory and Pink bouquet, hotsell Wedding Flowers, artificial bouquet, bling bridal bouquet, This bouquet is simply elegant with some bling This bridal bouquet consist of ivory and pink.
Product code: Wedding Bouquet, Bling Bridal bridal bouquet, Ivory and Pink bouquet, hotsell Wedding Flowers, artificial bouquet, bling bridal bouquet
This bouquet is simply elegant with some bling. This bridal bouquet consist of ivory and pink artificial roses and is adorned with spray rhinestone bling. The handle is wrapped with a satin ribbon and embellished with mesh rhinestone and a rhinestone brooch.
Diameter shown in picture: 12 inches
Matching bridesmaids bouquets, maid of honor bouquets and other wedding flowers can be made to match this item.
This bouquet can be made in other colours.
Custom requests are welcome! hotsell