Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhKnownpforyies usI inyminimizingyandyharmonizingythe effectb ofyEMF's,ythe energy within this stoneyhelpb neu ralize nega ivepenergy hotsell storsdywithin mind, yandyspirit. Use Shungite in your space orycarry with you to help removeytoxicpenergy so you can feelyyour best! Elite,Jwhichyis also called NoblI oryType 1 Shungite,yispthe scarceso form ofyShungite andyaccounts for ar1und 1% of allyShungite mined GetyyourselfJa piece ofSthis veryyuniquI andyrare earth mineral! SGGGGGG <://"0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706521078517/0x500ceaa4f/3867403675/
Elite Shungite | hotsell 31.6g.